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Lightweight, extensive state based riot.js router for tag views.



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This project only supports Riot.js 3.x and is no longer maintained, for Riot.js 4.x see riot-routing.


riot-view-router is a lightweight, extensive state based riot.js router for tag views. It was designed after the ui-router project, with all the quirks of riot.js.

This project makes use of the HTML5 history api, using pushState under the hood; in other words this is a client sided router.


Chome Edge Firefox Opera Safari
5.0+ ✔ 4.0+ ✔ 11.50+ ✔ 5.0+ ✔



To install via Bower, simply do the following:

bower install riot-view-router

To install via NPM:

npm install riot-view-router

For a quick start using jsdelivr:

<script src=""></script>

riot-view-router supports the following settings,

*default ; string : Default state for router to navigate to on start if route not matched.

debugging ; bool : Will default to true, spits errors and warnings to console.

href ; string : Will default to originating location, router will operate off of this.

fragments ; bool : Will default to true, adds support for fragment identification.

fallback ; string : Will default to fallback, state to fallback to on mismatch.

title ; string : Title prefix for routes using a page title.

marker ; string : Marker for mounting views, default is r-view.

<r-view />


<div r-view></div>

States are composed of the following properties,

*name ; string : State name.

*route ; string : Route to match state by.

*tag ; string : Tag to inject into rout view, mount.

title ; string : Title suffix for routes.

onEnter(*handler) ; function : Callback for entering state.

onLeave(*handler) ; function : Callback for leaving state.

Using the mixin is then as simple as,

import riot from 'riot'
import Router from 'riot-view-router'

const router = new Router(riot, {
  debugging: true,
  default: 'home',
  fallback: '404',
  href: ''

  name: '404',
  route: '/notfound',
  title: '404 Page Not Found',
  onLeave: (state) => {
    console.log('Leaving home')

    name: 'home',
    route: '/',
    title: 'Hello World',
    onEnter: (state) => {
      console.log('Entering home')
    name: 'profile',
    route: '/profile/:username',
    tag: 'profile',
    title: '<username>\'s profile'

You may then access the Router instance via your tags with router like so,



To navigate to a route within your riot tags, you may use r-sref to reference a state on any element supporting a click event listener. r-sref can be used with both complete routes and state names.

  <button r-sref="/profile/{username}">Navigate to profile</button>
  <a r-sref="about">About Page</a>

You may also use a general anchor tag, the router comes with a helper function baked in to help construct urls on the fly. It also supports url encoding.

  <a href={ route(['profile', username]) }>Profile</a>

Both route and query string variables can also be accessed directly via the target tag with opts. Take for example navigating to the url .../!#/profile/john?views=1 with the route pattern /profile/:username.

    User: <small>{this.opts.username}</small>
  <h5>Views: {this.opts.qargs.views}</h5>

Router API

The riot-view-router has a very simple, easily operable API.

add(*state): Create a new state for the given router instance.

navigate(*route, skipPush): Navigate to a given route.

push(name, opts): Invoke a state change. If arguments arent specified, automatically detect the state and extract opts from the defined state variables.

start(): Start router, listen on window hash changes.

stop(): Stop router, related listeners and lifecycle events.

reload(): Reload current route.

on(*event, *handler): Register a lifecycle event (start, stop, navigation, push, transition).

Router Observable

This router supports the following observable events,

start: Triggered when the router is started.

stop: Triggered when the router is stopped.

reload: Triggered when a route is reloaded.

navigate: Trigerred when navigation occurs.

push: Triggered when pushing a new state.

transition: Triggered when transitioning into a new state, emits an optional argument state.

      <li each={ route in routes }
          class={ is-active: }
          r-sref={ route.state }>
        { route.label }
  <script type="es6">
    const self = this

    self.routes = [
      { label: 'Home', state: 'home', active: false },
      { label: 'About', state: 'about', active: false },
      { label: 'Help', state: 'help', active: false },      
    // middleware for toggling nav items
    self.router.on('transition', state => {
      self.routes.forEach(route => { = false
      const s = self.routes.find(i => ==
      if(s) = true



Contributing guidelines are as follows,

Copyright (c) 2017 John Nolette Licensed under the MIT license.